Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No more muffin top

The new year is almost here. Now is the time we stand up and say "NO MORE MUFFIN TOP"
Visit our website and read about tummy tucks!

Happy New year to all

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter skin care is different

Cool weather does not mean you can forget about sunscreen. The sun doesn't stop shining and snow and ice reflect the sun just like water and sand! The cool temperatures can mask the fact that you are getting burned because you don't feel hot! An added benefit to remembering the sunscreen- it will help moisturize you in the dry air. Don't forget to put sunscreen on your decollete (neck and chest area)

Cooler months also mean less humidity and your skin will get dry. You need more moisturizer than other times of the year so you should apply it more often and liberally. Put enough on your face (and decollete) that it looks a bit white and needs to soak in!

To read more about the great products we carry read about skin care on our website.

Happy Holidays to all!

Reminder deals

Last call for a Free Latisse Kit rebate ($100 value) when you have Botox or Juvederm before December 31.